Control your spend. And maximize your impact.

The value of Procure-to-Pay technology is better understood by businesses today than ever before. But taking on complex and expensive change management initiatives can be daunting; after over a decade of supporting them for our Procurement clients, we understand the challenges.


Introducing OneMarket Procure-to-Pay, powered by LogicSource: built by Procurement practitioners and designed to put buying teams and business users in control of their spend – without the complexity and high price point. And the first to empower buyers with tools that let them add value to the buying process. Increasing their influence and elevating your impact on the business.


Shop, buy and pay. You are in control.

Align your procurement process to your sourcing strategies. Choose from eCatalogs, Rate Card calculators, and powerful eRFQ tools that put your buyers in control of how they manage spend to get the best results.

Achieve compliance without complexity.

A simple, intuitive Requisition and Approval workflow ensures spend compliance across the business. Giving you visibility of what is being spent, where. And putting you in control of your procurement policy.

Change happens. Control it.

A closed-loop, component-level purchase order process with electronic submission to our Supplier Portal ensures a single source of the truth. Digital change order support ensures buyers can maintain accuracy, even in the face of last-minute changes.

Streamline the supplier experience and invoicing process.

Simple, digital invoice submission through the Supplier Portal makes it easy on supplier partners and gives you ready-to-process, matched invoices. Eliminating manual processes, letting your team focus on the high-value work.

You can’t manage what you can’t see.

OneMarket Procure-to-Pay gives you detailed analytics and reporting on all aspects of the procure-to-pay process. Visualize the whole picture, delivering the information needed to effectively manage spend compliance for your business partners.

Implement expertly. With a proven partner.

OneMarket is more than just a technology platform; it comes with the benefit of over a decade of our hands-on Procurement experience. OneMarket’s expert implementation team will guide you through each step of the process to ensure a successful rollout.

Three ways OneMarket procure-to-pay puts you in control.

Only OneMarket Procure-to-Pay brings together advanced procurement solutions designed by and for sourcing and procurement professionals, combined with onshore analytics services and market intelligence informed by LogicSource’s unmatched expertise and experience.

Elevate your buying. And take your value to the next level.

Empower your buyers to do more than process purchase orders. OneMarket Procure-to-Pay gives you powerful tools to manage spend: take advantage of spot-buys, real-time rate card opportunities, or simplify the buy with eCatalogs. Giving you unmatched capability at point-of-purchase. And ensuring you maximize the value at every step.

Everything in one place. With you at the center.

OneMarket Procure-to-Pay brings together buyers, suppliers, transactions, and communications in a single platform. Identify and resolve areas of value leakage, over-consumption, or non-compliance with real-time data. Putting you at the center. And in control.

Access to the details. And the bigger picture.

With OneMarket Procure-to-Pay, you have the complete view of your organization’s spending, down to the component level. See what you are paying for goods and services across the enterprise in real-time. And leverage LogicSource’s benchmarks to understand your pricing relative to the market. Empowering you to drive the conversation with your business partners.


Get in touch with us to schedule a demo or download the Procure-to-Pay factsheet to learn more.