Why You Need Better Benchmarks for Your Non-clinical Spend

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Read our guide for information on why national healthcare-focused benchmarksare too broad to provide true value to your health system and learn:

Why moving beyond conventional benchmarks is key to unlocking more significant savings

The critical role of specialized procurement in managing complex spending categories

How looking at industries outside of healthcare can drive greater value for health systems


Don’t let Over-Reliance on Traditional Benchmarks Erode Your Savings

Health systems have always relied on benchmarks from within healthcare to establish pricing for complex non-clinical categories needed to operate daily, such as corporate services, facilities management, IT, Marketing, employee benefit programs, and more.

Unfortunately, this means that on average, health systems are paying 7-12% more for the same goods and services compared to industries outside of healthcare, like retail, manufacturing or financial institutions.

The good news is, shifting from a best-in-industry to a best-in-class perspective can see your health system save millions annually, just by optimizing non-clinical purchases.

Find out more about the problem with broad national-level benchmarks and how to ease margin pressure and drive significant savings in our guide.


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