
Evaluating Procurement Technology? Look Beyond Legacy Providers

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The traditional Source-to-Pay (S2P) model is broken and legacy providers aren’t equipped to serve the needs of modern procurement teams. To help you extract full value from your procurement capability, we’re going to walk you through the following critical considerations:

Five reasons traditional S2P solutions fail and how to overcome them

What procurement teams should expect from their S2P tech to solve existing challenges

Common questions and concerns that arise during S2P implementations and how procurement teams can set themselves up for success


Say goodbye to the outdated S2P technology model

Procurement professionals are under immense pressure to reduce costs and find savings in today’s inflationary business environment. Those are challenging enough tasks when everything is working perfectly. But when your procurement technology is poorly implemented, inconsistently used, and struggles with broad adoption across the organization, the tools you need to deliver on your objectives aren’t just inadequate, they are actively stifling your efforts. It’s no surprise that 83% of leaders say their investments into procurement software have not met their initial expectations. If this headache sounds all-too-familiar, it’s time to consider alternative solutions built by procurement professionals, for procurement professionals.

The actionable insights, organizational visibility, spend control and category expertise provided by the right S2P solutions are key to exposing and addressing opportunities for procurement to save money, streamline business process and drive compliance in indirect spend, an often overlooked but significant expense that can represent around 20% of annual revenue. In today’s austere business climate, that’s an avenue of potential savings that cannot be ignored.

Get our whitepaper for insights into how procurement teams can rethink their approach to S2P technology and implementation and begin fully extracting value from these capabilities.

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